Monday, October 12, 2009

"In My Own Way", lesson about self-reliance

If you want to do something, don't say "some day". Do it TODAY. this is the church message I would like to share with you this week.

I like to look at the structure of the lesson as well as the content.

Here is our last lesson's recap:

  1. Being self-reliant (or independent) spiritually, in other words having your own testimony,having spiritual strength to face difficult problems, and help others in their times of need.
  2. Developing temporal self-reliance: prepare to take care of yourself and your family, being able to provide and help others who are in need.
  • importance of work
  • keeping a storage of food and other necessities
  • learning the principals of financial security
3. Caring for needy
4. Church welfare program

So here is a question for this week:
Why was the lesson set up in this order?

Why did spiritual self-reliance come first? did caring for needy come after talking about both spiritual and temporal self-reliance?Why was it important to talk about a welfare program?

Share your thoughts and have a great week!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prophets in our days

This weekend was the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
We were very privileged to hear the messages of the people who we sustain as prophets, seers and revelators.

I was deeply touched by the talk of Jeffrey R Holland. What an amazing power of speaking and how straight forward was his language! It was great to get back to the basics and reconnect with why we believe what we believe and how important are some things that we take for granted.

Another talk that touched me deeply was the talk of Richard G. Scott. What stuck with me deeply was his story about two different occasions he felt inspired and received personal revelation. Both times were lessons in Sunday School that he attended at different times, but the teachers were very different. What was interesting for me is that the Holy Ghost can influence us in any condition. Even if the teacher is not possessing the qualities that make a teacher great, we can receive the lesson by the means of the Holy Ghost. So it is not as important how good a teacher is as how open the listener is to the promptings of the Holly Ghost.

I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, what got your attention. Have a great week!